The WGB-SECUR-SIZE1-5PK contains quantity five of the WanderGuard Blue Securaband Strap Size 1. The Securaband strap has two metal wires running its full length, with a special clasp to lock the strap in place. It resists not just scissors and teeth, but even sharp objects like a pocket knife.
The size 1 strap is also included in the WanderGuard Blue Secure Band Starter Kit. Starter Kits can be ordered here with Part# WGB-SECUR-STARTER
The Kit includes the following:
- Qty 1 - 3 Year Secure WanderGuard Blue Wrist Tag
- Qty 1 - Removal Tool with 7 Secure Straps (one of each size)
- Qty 1 - package of Sizing Tools
- Qty 1 - Pocket Guide
- Qty 1 - Tag User Guide
Additional Secure Tags can be ordered here with Part# WGB-TAG-1000-3Y
Robust Tag Housing
The Securaband tag is shaped to prevent a resident from trying to pry it off, a common technique; the slots are shallow and inset so that no object can be inserted.
Small and Discrete Design
The WanderGuard Blue tag is very small—just one inch square and a quarter of an ounce—and fits comfortably on the wrist or ankle. The strap has no hard or sharp edges. Both tag and strap are a neutral beige color that will be less noticeable to residents.
Tag Features:
Unique electronic serial number to identify each tag
- High capacity battery (3 years)
Smooth surface permits easy sterilization and prevents harboring of bacteria
- Small and unobtrusive
Tag Specifications:
- Dimensions: Approx. 1.08 x 1.16 x 0.6” (2.74 x 2.95 x 1.5 cm)
- Weight: Approximately 0.26 oz. (7.5 g)
- Output Freq: 433.92 MHz
- Input Freq: 307 kHz
- Battery Life: 3 Years
- Temperature: 14° to 122°F (-10° to 50°C)